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My Little Angel

Nishu and Me

I am here in India for a short visit during my vacations. I was expecting my 4-year old nephew, Nishu, to have distanced himself from me over the past six months but exactly the opposite has happened. It has forever changed my opinion about children. I used to believe that children live only in today and get attached and detached very easily. But here is my little angel breaking my heart with his little gestures because I know that I will have to leave him again and go back. Here are some of the things he has done in the past couple of days to make me unbelievably happy and sad at the same time:

1) He pouted yesterday and asked why I need to go back to the UK. Then he told me straightaway not to go back. I felt immensely sad because I know that I have to. At least for the next 6 months.

2) He kissed my hand without me asking for it.

3) Everyday I try to make him take an afternoon nap by reading stories to him. I doze off while he stays awake. He lies there quietly in my arms without making a sound. And today when my mom came in while I was sleeping but he was awake, he silently gestured her to come into the room. He is not a quiet child by any means. And the care he takes not to wake me up simply amazes me.

4) Today his driver who picks him from the school along with my mother did not come for work so I picked him up instead. And in the evening, Nishu told his mom "I wish Deepak uncle does not come again tomorrow. Then maasi will come and pick me from school. We cannot do it the day after because maasi has to go to Adobe."

All these incidents and many more make me never want to go back to the UK. But some things have got to be done. Nothing has more potential of making you feel guilty about the choices you make in your life than the unselfish love of a child.


  1. Nishu Rocks !!!

    Humein bhi milna hai unse :)

  2. nice one vibha... I can understand that feeling...

  3. I guess it's an old photograph.. Why not upload a recent one !

  4. Thanks VJ and Vijay.
    VJ, yes it is an old one. I wonder whether a certain accomplished photographer will be willing to click a pic of him and me?

  5. Who can deny if you offer good food at Home !!

  6. Nice one Vibha! Often unconditional love is attributed to parents and guardians, but any of us who have been close to a child(as parents or otherwise) would know that even a child's love is unconditional. They love you the same irrespective of your appearance, financial situation, level of education or the fact that you had disagreement with them a few minutes ago.

    Blessings to Nishu!

  7. Thanks Gunjeet. I agree. This is the purest form of love.


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